Propstoppers RC Club







Middletown Township Pride Day 05/13/06

Mike Cirigliano with his Cox-powered plane.

Al Tamburro with a YAK 55 3D

Mike C. and Al T.

An aerobat in the air.

Mike Black at the flightline.

The weather was fine for flying.

Here are some of the planes that came out on preparation day.

Al and Mike work on getting Mike's old engine to run smoothly.

Take note: proper launching form.

Mike C. at the flightline.

Mike Black preparing to launch this 3D plane.

Phil Oetinger's newest electric plane.

The pits and flightline on Pride Day.

More of the pits.

Two of Phil O.'s planes, and his electric heli.

Some planes in back and an autogyro in the foreground.

An aerobat with its support supplies.

Some of Dave Harding and Mick Harris' planes next to the RV.

The heli display and toolkit under one tent.

One jet-turbine helicopter with its owner.

The event giveaways!

Jet-turbine heli after an engine run.

Jet-turbine heli.

Very important when you're running jet-powered models...

Visitors coming and going.

Heli flown by our guest from Valley Forge.

This full-scale helicopter arrived and attracted a crowd.

Mick H. packing up this unfinished model.

Some Pride-day participants checking out the heli.

Before going, Dave Bevan gave out these gliders to appreciative youngsters.

These ominous clouds prompted us to leave.

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