Propstoppers RC Club
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Thank you for your interest in Propstoppers!!

Becoming a Club Member

As a prospective club member, you will be expected to be familiar with, understand and complete all the steps outlined below.

Our Club Bylaws contain the details, but in summary, you must:

1.  Demonstrate a desire to participate in Club activities.

2. Agree to abide by all Club and AMA rules and regulations.

3. Possess a current Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) membership.  Note that you have to maintain your membership in AMA at all times or your Club membership maybe terminated immediately.

4. Attend at least three Club functions, making yourself known to current Club members present. At least one must be a Club Meeting or picnic.  The other two can be impromptu flying with Club Members or casual events such as Club breakfast gatherings.

5.  Complete an Application Form.  You can print it out, complete it, and mail it (the address is on the form), or scan it/e-mail it to: the Membership Chairmain at

6. Pay the Club's current annual dues (currently $100 for a full year) to the Membership Chairman.  The dues you pay upon joining are prorated by quarters (e.g., if joining in the last 3 months of the year, pay 1/4 of the dues).
The Membership Chair will confirm the amount for you before paying.  You can pay by Paypal or cash/check (make checks out to "Propstoppers RC Club").
As mentioned above, before becoming a club member you must join the AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics) by completing their application at, then provide your AMA membership number to the Membership Chair.

One final note:  We also require that you go out to the flying fields with a Club member to make sure you know the rules and flying zones at each field.  Plus you will have to pass a "flight test" or two under the supervision of one of our Club's experienced members before being allowed to fly solo.